Tuesday, December 30, 2008

congestive heart failure in dogs?

first of all, here is what happened:
my grandmother's chihuaha was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. she had a small cough for a short time about 6 months ago, and we took her to the vet's, and they said to watch her. yesterday, she was very lethargic, very labored breathing, and coughing up bloody mucous. we took her to the vet again and she was put on oxygen, heart medication, and a diuretic. she was looking better, so we brought her home, and later she would not accept the pills with cheese or peanut butter. forcing the pills into her mouth didnt work either. she eventually got worse so we had to take her to the vets again and she was in oxygen until late this morning. she is doing well now and is taking her medicine in liquid form. one of her medicines is called lasix (the diuretic in liquid form), the other is a brown pill for the heart.

my question: how long will she live on medication?
by the way, she is about 10 years old.

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Monday, December 1, 2008

congestive heart failure in dogs?

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first of all, here is what happened:
my grandmother's chihuaha was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. she had a small cough for a short time about 6 months ago, and we took her to the vet's, and they said to watch her. yesterday, she was very lethargic, very labored breathing, and coughing up bloody mucous. we took her to the vet again and she was put on oxygen, heart medication, and a diuretic. she was looking better, so we brought her home, and later she would not accept the pills with cheese or peanut butter. forcing the pills into her mouth didnt work either. she eventually got worse so we had to take her to the vets again and she was in oxygen until late this morning. she is doing well now and is taking her medicine in liquid form. one of her medicines is called lasix (the diuretic in liquid form), the other is a brown pill for the heart.

my question: how long will she live on medication?
by the way, she is about 10 years old.

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Sunday, November 30, 2008

China: Sarkozy-Dalai Lama meeting threatens trade - The Associated Press

BBCSerbian.com China : Sarkozy-Dalai Lama meeting threatens trade The Associated Press - Nov 29, 2008 Statements by Feng Zongping, appearing Saturday in the official China Daily newspaper, mark the latest display of China's determination to intimidate Walesa slams China withdrawal from EU summit International Herald Tribune CORRECTED-UPDATE 1-Airbus denies summit row bad for China deals Reuters China to boycott summit with EU Aljazeera.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Lookabetter » Blog Archive » MRI Reveals Relationship Between . .

Irina A. Strigo, Ph.D., of the University of California San Diego , La Jolla, and colleagues studied 15 young adults with major depressive disorder (average age 24.